11 Things French Bulldogs Like to Do

French bulldogs are one of the most popular breeds of dogs. They have a fun and unique personality, which is why they make such great pets! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the things that french bulldogs like to do. Read on to find out what these adorable dogs enjoy doing in their spare time!

1. Spending time with their owners

French bulldogs are very people-oriented dogs. They prefer to be around their owners rather than spending time alone, which is why they make such great pets for families with children!

They will be happy to spend time with you whenever and wherever – french bulldogs do not need a ton of exercise, so they can hang out on the couch or in bed with you during your downtime. They simply want some company!

2. They love to snuggle

As we mentioned before, french bulldogs are very affectionate dogs. They love to snuggle with their owners and be as close as possible! If you have a dog bed or even just a blanket on the floor, your french bulldog will likely find it and curl up for another nap together.

French bulldogs do not need a ton of exercise, so they can hang out on the couch or in bed with you during your downtime.

3. They love treats

Just like people, dogs can also have their re-enforcements. French Bulldogs go crazy over a good treat. They will do almost anything for a piece or two of their favorite food.

4. They enjoy a good nap

These adorable dogs are known for being very lazy. In fact, french bulldogs will always prefer to take a nice, long nap over going on an extended walk or run!

If you have a backyard where your dog can play and get some exercise that is great – just be aware of what time of day it is and what the weather is like if you want to give your french bulldog a chance to stretch his legs.

5. They are very food-motivated

One of the best ways to train your dog is with positive reinforcement. French bulldogs are known for being very food motivated, which makes them easy to train! You can use treats or even just their favorite toy as a way to get them interested in what you want them to do.

Just make sure that you do not give them too many treats – french bulldogs sometimes have weight problems due to their food-motivated personalities!

6. They like to smell everything and everyone

French bulldogs are very in tune with their surroundings, including what is going on around them. This can be due to their excellent sense of smell! French bulldogs are known for being able to sniff out food from far away and even tell when someone they love has returned home after being gone all day.

7. They like a good game of fetch with a ball

If you want to keep your french bulldog entertained and give them some energy, a game of fetch is always a good choice!

They love chasing after balls. Just make sure that you do not throw it too far away – if your dog cannot see what they are supposed to be bringing back, they might just stand there and not really do anything.

Fetch is a great way to keep your french bulldog entertained and give them some energy.

I recommend Barkbox, a great surprise that your Frenchie will love.

what french bulldogs like

8. They prefer to eat their food in one place

Just like people, dogs can also have preferences about what they do and where they go.

French bulldogs are creatures of habit when it comes to what time of day it is, what they ate that day, or even what part of the house they want to hang out in!

If you have a specific place that your french bulldog eats his food or goes to the bathroom, you should try and keep it in one spot so he does not get confused.

9. They love being the center of attention

Even though french bulldogs are small, they know what is going on around them and what they deal with everything. French bulldogs love to be noticed by everyone in their family, which can sometimes cause them problems because of how much energy they have! If you have other pets, your french bulldog will likely want to chase them around and get in the middle of what they are doing.

The best way to keep your french bulldog happy is by giving him attention when he asks for it! Make sure that you never ignore his needs or even just what he wants – after all, French Bulldogs are very smart and they know what is going on around them.

10. They like to play with other dogs

If you have another dog that your french bulldog gets along well with, it is a great idea for the two of them to spend time playing together!

Your french bulldog will enjoy chasing after his friend and trying to get him or her in trouble. Just make sure that both pets are up-to-date on their shots and have been checked by the vet before they are allowed to play together.

11. They like to eat grass occasionally

French bulldogs love eating anything that is green, including what might be growing in your backyard! If you notice that your french bulldog has a habit of chewing what looks like blades of grass, you should not worry about it too much.

Final Thoughts

We hope these 11 examples give you a bit of insight into what your french bulldog likes to do! They are great pets that make perfect companions for families. They just want love and affection from everyone in the house, and what better time to give it than when they are being cute?


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