The Ultimate Guide on How to Potty Train a French Bulldog

Potty training a Frenchie puppy isn’t as tough as you might think. You can potty train a French Bulldog puppy with a bit of patience and lots of love. Most Frenchie pups have their share of indoor accidents.

So, set your expectations right. It might take a while, and there might be some ups and downs, but in the end, it’s all about creating a routine that works for both of you, your little buddy and you.

When to Initiate Potty Training for Your French Bulldog?

There is no right or wrong time, but there sure is a smart way to go about it. Believe it or not, their smarts can be an advantage. Those furballs are quicker on the uptake than you might expect. A little bit of praise with plenty of treats and your little buddy will be on the right track in no time.

But let me be real here, you must be patient because you might have a few potty accidents along the way, it’s all part of the process.

How to Potty Train a French Bulldog

Crucial Steps and Schedules for Successful French Bulldog Potty Training

Consistency is key here, you must establish a training schedule that works. Remember, every time your little guy eats or drinks, take them out to the designated potty spot. Now, puppy potty training isn’t a walk in the park, but with a bit of consistency and a steady schedule for your French bulldog, you’ll have them peeing or pooping right where you want them to in at least 8 weeks.

Step 1: Scheduling Consistent Potty Breaks 

You must force your dog into a routine so they know when it’s potty time. It might seem like a lot of work at first, but trust me, it’ll make your life a whole lot easier in the long run. So, take your pup out first thing in the morning, after meals, and after playtime or a nap.  

Step 2: Noticing Tell-Tale Signs of Their Need for the Toilet

Next, you have to watch for the warning signs that your buddy needs to go. Every dog has their own little signals, but there are some common ones you can look for. Maybe they’ll start pacing around in a circle, or perhaps they’ll whine at you. Keep an eye out for any out-of-the-ordinary behavior, like sniffing around or staring you down.

Step 3: Utilizing Puppy Pads or Outdoor Space for Potty Training

When you first bring your Frenchie home, you might find yourself wondering how best to make this potty training thing work. Well, my friend, in two words – puppy pads. Yes, these little pieces give your furball a clear spot to do their business. This way, even if you’re living up in an apartment with no backyard, these puppy pads will be a lifesaver.

Step 4: Establishing a Recognizable Potty Phrase

Your Frenchie’s got the brains when it comes to potty training, and you can use that to your advantage by teaching your dog a potty phrase. It’s like a magic word that tells your French Bulldog it’s time to answer nature’s call. It might take some practice, but trust me, with a bit of patience, your pup will get the hang of it.

Step 5: Implementing Rewards

There’s nothing like a pat on the back to know you’ve done a good job, right? Imagine how your little Frenchie feels when they finally get the hang of the potty training routine. They deserve a reward, whether a tasty doggy treat or a fun toy, just something to let your pup know they did good. 

How to Potty Train a French Bulldog
French bulldog running

Essential Items Required for Effective Potty Training

Potty training your French Bulldog requires a few essentials to make the ride smoother. Think of it like a journey, and you’re the captain with a stash of handy tools to guide your pup. With these items, a chunk of patience, and consistency, your Frenchie will be going potty like a pro in no time.

Pet Training Puppy Pads

Puppy pads are vital when it comes to home training, especially if you’re living in an apartment. They’re like a scented welcome mat for your Frenchie’s little gifts, giving them a clear spot to go. And the best part? You can buy bucketloads of them without breaking the bank. So, even if outdoor space isn’t available, these puppy pads make sure your furry buddy gets their toilet training right on track.

Dog Treats as Reward

What better way to praise your pup than with treats? Yup, we’re talking about good, old-fashioned doggie treats. When your pup successfully goes potty where they’re supposed to, a treat is a great way to tell them “Good job!”

Puppy Crate

Next up on our essential items list – a puppy crate. It’s about creating a safe and cozy space for your pup to retreat to. Think of it like your favorite armchair or that comfy spot on the sofa. You could liken it to a kid’s crib, offering comfort and security. It’s about establishing a routine and giving your Frenchie his own space. A proper training schedule can make good use of a crate for about 2-3 hours during the day.

Wrapping up the French Bulldog Potty Training Journey

French Bulldog puppy training isn’t a breeze, but surely it wasn’t as hard as you might have thought. Frenchies are smart little buggers, they got a clean breed record! So once you teach them potty tricks, they pick it up quicker than a hungry terrier on a tossed bone.

Whether you’re working with a dog or puppy, remember to keep a stash of those training pads handy at all times, because let’s be real, there’s going to be some accidents. But don’t you dare go and scare your dog if it happens? Let’s not forget, – a little praise and a treat always work wonders when you’re potty training a French bulldog.

With a pinch of patience and a dollop of determination, you’ll successfully potty train your French bulldog and have them on a regular schedule with their bathroom breaks, just like clockwork!


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