How to Stop Your French Bulldog Licking Their Paws: A Guide to Prevent This Habit

Life with a French Bulldog is a hoot—no two ways about it. Managing their health, though, that’s a bit more serious. One issue that can be a real head-scratcher is why French Bulldogs lick their paws. Let’s get into the possible reasons why and ways to put a stop to it.

First up, remember this is not a substitute for professional veterinary help. If you notice some odd behavior, like constant paw licking, don’t just surf the web for answers—make a plan to meet with your vet.

Reasons for French Bulldog to Lick Their Paws

So, what makes French Bulldogs lick their paws anyway? Well, a few things could be causing your pooch to turn their paws into a constant snack.

Skin Allergies

Our four-legged bundles of love can suffer from allergies just like us humans. In fact, skin allergies are one of the major reasons why French Bulldogs lick their paws. And let me tell you, the poor pup might experience itchy dry skin due to allergens like grass, chemicals, or certain cleaning products. Not only that but bacteria and infections may also cause their skin to dry out, leading to excessive licking.

Besides the paw licking, check your pooch’s paws for any redness or swelling, or if they have a stuffy nose.

Insect Bites and Their Irritation Effects

Insect bites can drive your bulldog bananas. We all know how annoying those tiny buggers can be. Imagine having them bite you and not being able to tell someone about it. That’s the case with your Frenchie. Insect bites can cause your French bulldog’s paws to itch and lick his paws way more than usual. He might even start looking a bit unsettled, restless even. Swollen and red spots on its paws – another sign of insect bites.

Food Allergies

French Bulldogs licking their paws isn’t always due to physical irritants. Food allergies can make your fur baby feel out of sorts and keep licking paws to soothe the discomfort. Your meat-and-potatoes kind of foods: chicken, beef, dairy—even some exotic fare like wheat, soy, corn, and yeast—can be allergy triggers.

Separation Anxiety

When loneliness strikes, these little guys start acting out: scratching, gnawing at their paws, even barking to express their distress. To keep things from getting out of hand, start teaching your Frenchie early on that spending time alone is part and parcel of life. One way to do this is by using French bulldog toys to keep your pup entertained while you’re away.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are nasty. They come when you least expect it, mostly during hot weather when your Frenchie’s paws might get sweaty or when you don’t dry off their paws completely after their shower. Especially if your pooch is slightly on the heavier side, imagine how much sweat is trapped between those cute little paws. 

Yeast infections are easy to spot. Your Frenchie’s paws might start smelling funky and you’ll see that unpleasant yellow discharge in their ears. Have a Frenchie World paw cleaning cup for your pet’s paws to always be clean and dry. Using Topical cream also works well.

How to stop french bulldog licking paws

What Can Trigger Excessive Paw Licking?

Ever wondered what is giving your French bulldog to lick their paws excessively? 

Differentiating Normal From Abnormal Paw Licking

A bit of paw licking here and there is nothing to worry about. Your Frenchie is just doing some grooming, but if you find them glued to their paw like it’s a lollipop, then you have a problem. When home remedies don’t seem to work and your pup’s behavior is out of the ordinary, it might be time to get their paws checked.

The Influence of Hot and Cold Surfaces

Now you might not believe it, but summer is the season to pay extra attention to your buddy’s paws. Think about it, have you walked barefoot on hot sand or gravel? Your feet feel like they’re on fire, right? The same goes for your Frenchie. This discomfort can lead them to lick their paws more frequently, it’s one of their ways to find some relief. In these circumstances, the best thing you can do is to invest in some socks or booties for your Frenchie to protect your pet’s paws from hot terrains and environmental allergies.

Presence of Small Objects in Their Paws

The licks and nips your French bulldog gives its paws aren’t just for kicks. It’s a part of their grooming process, but sometimes, it can signal that there’s a little something stuck in their paws. Tiny little things like pebbles and splinters can get trapped between those cutesy toes, causing discomfort and leading to excessive licking. 

How to stop french bulldog licking paws

How to Stop My French Bulldog From Licking Paws?

Well, the first thing is to keep those adorable paws clean. Cleaning your dog’s paws regularly isn’t just about keeping your floor clean, it’s also crucial for your dog’s skin health. Scrub-a-dub-dub the paws gently after a walk or playtime outside with a paw cleaner. This will help remove dirt, allergens, and any hitchhiking bugs that could lead to itchiness and irritation.

Maintaining a healthy diet for your Frenchie is just as essential. Some dog food can trigger allergic reactions leading to skin problems and yeast infections. Talk to your vet about any food allergies that might trigger paw licking.

You also want to make sure your French bulldog gets plenty of exercise for mental stimulation and to distract them from any paw-licking habits. And in case the paw licking gets out of hand, or a fungal infection is suspected, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian. They’ll guide you through what’s best for your furry buddy’s health and well-being.


So, turns out a lot of reasons can make French bulldogs lick their paws. It’s not always just about getting the funk off, you know! Could be more to do with those skin allergies or some pesky bug that went bite-bite. But thankfully, there are ways to get a handle on it. Figuring out the triggers for your Frenchie, that’s a big one. The bottom line is this – you want your furry friend to be happy and healthy.


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