The Most Common French Bulldog Allergies (And How to Spot the Symptoms)

As much as we love them, expensive dog breeds tend to come with a few health problems. French bulldog allergies are a commonly reported problem by many dog owners. If you own a Frenchie, it’s best you pay attention to their various sensitivities and other allergies.

French Bulldog Food Allergies

Often called food insensitivities, French bulldogs often show some symptoms when they consume foods that are generally safe for other breeds. For example, soybeans are generally safe for most dogs but frequently cause allergies in Frenchies. Other foods that pet owners have reported to cause problems include:

  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Poultry
  • Meat (beef, lamb, etc.)
  • Fish 
  • Corn
  • Gluten
  • Preservatives, colorings, and other additives.

Given all these food allergies French bulldogs are prone to having, it’s best to stick to a specific diet with your pet. To pinpoint which foods your dog is allergic to, you should start an elimination diet. Natural ingredients and unprocessed foods offered separately are the key to this type of diet. 

Note that hypoallergenic pet food cannot be used in an elimination diet because not all manufacturers used a single protein source. That is, the same kibble may contain fish, eggs, and dairy. This makes it difficult to tell which protein source is causing the allergic reaction. 

French Bulldog Skin Allergies

Just like the ultimate divas they are, French bulldogs often need you to take great care of their skin. Skin allergies are common in this breed. If you notice your pup itching, scratching, or excessively rubbing certain areas of their body, they are likely allergic to something.

Keep in mind that your dog’s skin condition might actually be a food allergy. Taking them to a vet might help narrow down the problem. However, it’s best that you keep a close eye on their food and any allergic reactions your Frenchie might have. 

If it turns out that your dog actually has a skin allergy, the solution is much simpler than you think. There is no need to go through the laborious process of an elimination diet. Hygiene is the key to managing your French Bulldog’s skin allergies

Check the labels to make sure the shampoo you use is:

  • free of sulfates
  • hypoallergenic
  • organic
  • anti-inflammatory

Some vets also recommend using a shampoo that contains hydrocortisone because it helps reduce swelling and itchiness.

Signs of skin allergies include itching, discoloration in the coat, dermatitis, and dandruff. A proper diagnosis would need a veterinarian, but examining your French bulldog is a valid first step. 

Treating your skin allergies in a French bulldog can be as simple as adding a few vitamin drops or supplements to their diet, For example, adding zinc and vitamins can significantly reduce dandruff, itchiness, and a dull coat.  

French Bulldog Eye Allergies

Have you ever noticed redness and discharge in your French bulldog’s eyes? The condition is known as conjunctivitis. That means inflammation (redness) in the eyes. French bulldog eye allergies are a common cause of conjunctivitis.

Keep in mind that although your dog may have conjunctivitis due to an allergic reaction, there are many other causes. Scheduling an appointment with the vet should help you diagnose the problem carefully. If it turns out to be allergies, they will prescribe antihistamine drops as a treatment. 

Even if you get medication to help alleviate the inflammation, the best way to keep your Frenchie comfortable is to make sure you keep them away from irritants. It can be tough to figure out exactly what is causing an allergic reaction. To check your French bulldog for eye allergies, look for these three symptoms:

  • discharge
  • frequent pawing at the face
  • squinting

A great home remedy that can help your dog feel better is to flush the eyes with a saline solution.

French Bulldog Environmental Allergies

Because of their facial structure (as cute as it may be), Frenchies are prone to having respiratory problems and suffering from environmental allergies. They could have a reaction to dust, pollen, insects, mold, or even grass. 

Itching and sneezing are the most common symptoms of environmental allergies in French bulldogs. Other symptoms include diarrhea, watery eyes, and ear infections.

Your pet might be allergic to more than one thing at the same time. Note that many of the cleaning products you use around your home can cause allergies, even when you think you’ve rinsed them thoroughly. You may need to follow an elimination procedure with your cleaning products as well. 

Other products that are allergenic include antifreeze and fertilizer. Make sure all poisonous and potentially allergenic products are kept safely away from your pet. 

How To Spot French Bulldog Allergies

You probably already know if something is off with your dog. Although taking them to the vet is the best thing to do, you are the person who spends the most time with your beloved Frenchie. By paying close attention to any symptoms they exhibit, you will be able to help the vet with their diagnosis. 

There’s a lot of overlap between the different allergies that your French bulldog might be suffering from. Observe them closely and take note of any symptoms you notice. Sometimes food allergies present as skin conditions, so be thorough. Some dogs show gastrointestinal symptoms when they have respiratory allergies. Your job is to record and report anything you notice to your vet to help with the diagnosis.

Generally speaking, you would be working with your vet to rule out allergies one by one. The first step is usually an elimination diet trial, to rule out allergic reactions to foods. Keep in mind that even if your dog wasn’t allergic to something before, it can develop an allergy over time. In fact, continued exposure increases the risk of developing an allergy.

Most pet owners with a French bulldog tend to ignore most of the symptoms because they are so common in the breed. Yet, most of the typical Frenchie behaviors are actually symptoms of an underlying condition. Keeping an eye on these symptoms, and working closely with your vet, can keep your Frenchie happy and healthy for years to come. 

Author Bio: Anne Kamel is a content writer with that is passionate about writing informative articles about a wide array of topics. She is also a long-form content writer, specializing in travel, food, and technology.


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